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ONLINE Therapies & Coaching - Tending to YOUR Comfort and Safety! GET STARTED NOW
My personal experience with Yoga started when I was experiencing stress in my office work. Then, my journey unfolded me to various styles of Yoga - Hot Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Meditation, etc. Different forms of Yoga suit the various moments of life for me. When I feel like I have a pool of energy within me ready to devote to, I may practice Vinyasa Yoga. When I feel like getting in touch with my Self - the Inner reservoir of mySelf, a Restorative and Yin class suits that scenario best. When I feel for some relaxation and regaining my clarity, a class combining Yoga Nidra and Meditation is perfect for that. When I wish to attend to some of the painful bodily sensations due to old injuries, I will practice Therapeutic Yoga (Yoga Therapy) and Restorative Yoga. Most of the time, something more precious and soulful about mySelf is being revealed to me after the practice. The jewels of this Inner Journey come in unexpected ways and times. Besides being a Yoga Facilitator, I am also serving in Counselling, Life Coach and the MAP Method™ Coaching.
"Yoga is the journey of the Self, through the self, to the Self." ~ The Bhagavad Gita
Keep practicing and the realisation of the Self is coming in surprising path(s).
Join this group - "YOGA for YOUR Well-being" in Facebook, for YourSelf and maybe refer Your Friends whom You find maybe of benefits to them, so as to get updated information on sharing on Yoga, and the current classes and events, ONLINE and more...
Yoga Nidra assists us to relax consciously by inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. The more relaxed one feels, the greater is one's receptivity. By relaxing the conscious mind, the impression one plants in the subconscious mind during the practice will continue to cultivate the fruits that enriches one's life. Prana Nidra is a breath-based practice that awakens the life-force of the body and our conscious awareness. While some of the mainstream meditations are focused on guiding your focus into one-pointedness, Yin Meditation is the allowing of thoughts and happenings. This practice assists you in being in your true nature within all movements of thoughts and all movements in life.
Yoga to de-stress...
Join me in this rejuvenating practice, from whatever walks of life you are at. Just feel and learn how to “relax” your body, mind, and to start to connect with your heart and soul. Combining the benefits of both Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga, this class will introduce the use of yoga props in assisting your way to rejuvenate your overall well-being wherever you are.
Yoga to get in touch with the deeper YOU...
The process of birthing truth could be scary, and in that people may walk away from truth to comfort zone. If you are opened to experience your true nature and if you are feeling the calling to explore your Soulful Path, this might be the session that finds you in this search.
Yoga to awaken our awareness in healing the body...
Recovering from injuries or aliments requires anchoring in the intention of healing. Therapeutic Yoga incorporates practices catering for physical and mental health, bringing the practitioner back to aligning with the body’s natural intelligence of healing.
An empowering QiGong-based Yoga welcoming all age groups...
With easy-to-follow instructions and customised options of poses, we can experience and learn how to relax and breathe. Strengthening and softening, we can track our progress in practice. With encouragement along the way, it will leave you feeling empowered after the session.
The perfect conditioning for the body and being during pre-natal yoga session, unfolds the natural balance on clarity and softness, for the pregnant woman to journey through the process of pregnancy, labor, delivery and parenting with joy and ease.
This class combines breathing exercises, yoga postures and movements, and relaxation practice catering for the overall wellbeing of the participant.
While some of the mainstream meditations are focused on guiding your focus into one-pointedness, Yin Meditation is the allowing of thoughts and happenings. This practice assists you in being in your true nature within all movements of thoughts and all movements in life.
To find out more about Well-being counselling, life coaching and yoga services; or to book a session in Southside, Glasgow or ONLINE, please get in touch.
Life Counselling Coach
ONLINE & in Southside, Glasgow
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